We believe in your imperfections.

In 2020, musical artist Skippy released his first ever full length album: Picture Imperfect. An album that tackled themes ranging from love, heartbreak, self discovery, mental health, and the overarching narrative about the struggle to feel worthy of yourself despite all your apparent flaws. Thus sparked a conversation that would become prevalent in Skippy’s musical and social endeavors to this day.

We all strive to be perfect versions of ourselves every day. Whether it be our appearance, our health, our relationships, our careers, or even our own outlook on ourselves, we all have things we strive to be better at every day. But it’s this very journey that can often lead us to feeling down and hopeless, and asking ourselves: will we ever reach that point of perfection? The answer is no. Nobody can truly become perfect, there’s always going to be something more to strive for. At Imperfect, we believe in always trying to improve, but not at the expense of your confidence right now.

If you constantly focus on who you want to be, you may lose sight of who you are right now. Embrace your imperfections. Embrace yourself.